Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Those big brown eyes....

Sovith. He's my favorite. Is that bad? I don't care. I've never seen such cuteness inside such a small six year old body. He's beautiful. Maybe the most beautiful child I've ever seen. Beautiful brown skin....the littlest nose...but the biggest brownest eyes I've ever seen. He probably weighs 50 pounds soaking wet and isn't much taller than my waist....Cambodians tend to be on the smallish, shortish side. He sits in the front of my class at the Tiger table. They all made up names for their tables....the snakes, lions, cheetahs, leopards and tigers.
I can't help but just watch him. I could sit there for hours and just watch him try and read to himself. He's just SO CUTE! And such a good speller...always done his math questions first.
He made my day today. Just his presence. He doesn't know it....but perhaps for the first time since I've been here....I was happy.
I tell ya....its those big brown eyes.

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