Thursday, August 14, 2008

the rat

This is how it went down. Cheetit from my school called to say he was bringing us a new water jug..actually he can't speak English but somehow i understood. So i went down to open the gate and wait for him. I unlocked the gate and swung it opened. From behind me came the most awful squeal/cry/screech I've ever heard. I wheeled around to find a RAT in all its disgusting glory...wriggling around on this make shift trap that the downstairs neighbors had rigged up. A plate with poison and crazy sticky glue. So there it was...fighting its little bum off trying to get free. I screamed and started yelling at Kim to come down. So she books it downstairs..barefeet and all. She runs out and almost steps on the thing. She screams so loud and runs out of the gate and CLIMBS....yes CLIMBS onto the hood of an SUV parked in front. Only then does she realize that there is a little old Cambodian man sitting inside the vehicle and looking at her like she's crazy. By this time the ENTIRE street had stopped and is staring at us...people on motos even. So this nice girl that lives beside us came over to see what the problem was and she moved the rat out of the way into a die. It was absolutely hilarious and disgusting and embarrassing. Later on it torrental downpour. We went down to see if it had drowned but it was still wriggling away...mournfully crying out for help. This morning it was dead.....but the story lives on.

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