Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Some days I am overwhelmed with life in Cambodia! The busyness on the streets. All the people. The struggle to find my place here. Even though I feel at home here in Phnom Penh, the reality of me being from a completely different culture and way of life is very real. Each day seems to bring new insight into the Khmer way of living and loving and being but it also brings with it the reality of how different we all are.
Its been a week of challenges. Trying to find things for the apartment at the markets. Trying to figure out WHICH market is the best to get kitchen stuff, material for curtains...and the list goes on. Charlotte and I spent the longest time at Orussey market on Monday trying to find material for curtains. Once we finally found the material SECTION (we were quite frequently misdirected towards the super tacky and ugly "curtains" that are everywhere here) took us probably 15 or 20 minutes to try and find a measuring stick which I knew every seller had but everyone kept saying "ote me in"...."don't have." "NO! I know you have have to! You sell material for a living for goodness sakes!!!" Ok so we finally found a measuring stick. Then the battle was to find material with a 1.6 meter width. Impossible. Seriously wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. Anyways..I'm getting RE-stressed just writing about it. I did eventually find some really nice deep purple material so I suppose the story ends well:)

On a non-stressful, wonderful note....have had some amazing God experiences. A pastor from Australia has been here with a team and done some wonderful teaching on the Holy Spirit. Sunday night we had a 3 hour prayer and baptism service. God was there with us in such a real me goosebumps just thinking about it! I'm learning so much. I got a book from Pastor Jesse yesterday called Demolishing Strongholds. My own personal strongholds are slowly starting to show themselves to me as I live in a country where the spiritual realm....evil spirits and demonic activity is a very real part. What a wonderful feeling knowing that God is so much more powerful and that we can have freedom through Him.
Being baptized into the Holy Spirit.....deliverance from spirits. NOT something my church growing up ever talked anything about (or many churches at all in North America for that matter). So this is all so new to me and I'm hungry to learn and grow. It's exciting and scary and overwhelming. But like I said....everything about life in Cambodia can be overwhelming.

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